I grew up in Montgomery County and relocated to New Market almost 20 years ago. I am married and have two children, ages 20 and 15 and am very proud to be a part of all their sports, education and community events. I have owned Pitts Elite Contracting going on 14 plus years, but I have maintained some role in construction for 25 years. Owning a small business in Frederick County has afforded me the opportunity to engage with everyone from single homeowners all the way up to neighborhood developers.

An important part of what I do is building relationships with people and other small businesses so spending time with people outside of my role as a remodeler is key to my company and my personal success. I am also very active in the arts community alongside my daughter’s dance and theater company. There will be weeks in the Winter and Spring where I volunteer over 200 hours just working on Set Building and Design for productions at the Weinberg Center as well as Other Voices Theater. Charity work is something that also is very important to me. My wife and I have put countless hours into small, local charities and have raised money, awareness and showed our children the importance of giving so much so, that they participate in charities consistently.

In my free time, I have always found some sort of fitness activity has kept my mind and body balanced with the stress of operating a small business. This includes Ultra Marathons, Obstacle Races, local 5k fundraisers, trail running, hiking and weight training. I love all the local, DC sports teams, all the way down to the Oakdale Bears!


Q: Please tell us a little bit about your family.
I have been married for 16 years. I actually met my wife when she was in 1st grade. She moved away and the we “re-met” in our 20s and instantly connected. We are lucky to have two thriving young adult children who put everything into what they do. Our son Nicholas is in his second year at UNC-W and our daughter Annabelle, is in her sophomore year at Oakdale High. They are both smarter than me and that’s all a dad can ask for! I am the oldest of three kids and my parents still live in Germantown.

Q: Please tell us about your current, past, or future career. What do you love most about what you do?
My whole entire career is one thing…Construction. I started remodeling homes in the late 90s then moved to New Home Building during the 00s. Housing Bubble popped then I started Pitts Elite Contracting out of my little townhouse basement in 2009 while most people were going out of business. My future career will still be in construction because I actually love what I do. Its more than fixing or creating things, it’s about problem solving and developing ideas that help people use or live in their home better. I have grown to love design and introducing innovative ideas to homeowners that they may not think of.

Q: How long have you lived or worked in our community?
I have lived in New Market since 2005. I have worked here for just about 14 years and counting. I am very proud to operate a business out of New Market. I absolutely think it’s a large portion of our success as a company and would not be able to leverage the same relationships if I had stayed in Montgomery County.

Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in our community?
I don’t think one person has captured the “most interesting” role but the Lake Linganore community as a whole is very interesting to me. Living on a lake in a private neighborhood with as many amenities as a state park and access to Downtown Frederick, D.C. and Baltimore is a very unique and interesting aspect. The people inside Lake Linganore do not take it for granted and always take a lot of pride being here. So I think its all the people.

Q: What advice would you give to people?
My advice is to get out of your comfort zone. No matter what stage in life you are in, from youth to elderly. Just do something that challenges you and you will find new people, new worlds and, most definitely, new things about yourself. It is a 100% guaranteed way to grow.

Q: What is something on your bucket list?
It’s a tie. Either backpacking Iceland or doing the entire P.C.T.

Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique about our community?
Coming from Montgomery County I can easily say the bond within our town is huge. From the Deer Dash where all the students, parents and local business come out to support the school to the Holiday Parade that travels through the heart of Historic New Market. You would never get the same effort from the hustle and bustle cities on 270 and I think it is very special. I also think the amount of Jeep Wranglers is pretty unique. I have never seen so many in one zip code.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
In 5 years, I see still see myself fully invested in Pitts Elite but with a heavier focus on how I can help Frederick County as a whole. Being on Boards, committees and engaging others through community service efforts will be important as a resident in New Market. In 10 years, I see myself starting a Custom Home Building company and building homes for growing Frederick families.

Q: (Even for friends or family), what is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
That I grew up in a Jehovah Witness household. As a child of a single mother, my grandmother and aunts looked after me the most and they were devout Witnesses. And yes, I didn’t celebrate many holidays growing up–including my birthdays.

Q: What is the most beautiful place you have ever been?
Another tie. Kaui and Montana. Typing words to describe them would be a waste. Go there now.

Q: Favorite month? favorite holiday? and best single day on the calendar?
July is my favorite month. I have grown to love Labor day for some reason. Close second is the 4th of July. Best single day on the calendar ….probably Christmas since I can have undisturbed time with the family.

Q: What would you rate a 10 out of 10?
Living. Life is a 10 out of 10. Not specifically my life. Just being alive and experiencing everything all the time. Good days and bad days aside, just having the ability to share and connect is a priceless commodity.

Q: What person, event or experience has made the greatest impact or inspiration in your life?
It would be an event. I was working a job that was supposed to be with a career company. Very safe and comfortable, very corporate. I came to work on a Monday -August 10th to be exact- and by the end of the day, my boss’s boss came to visit me at the model home I was finishing. He sat me down and I thought it was cool that he wanted to come all the way out from HQ to catch up with me at the jobsite. Again, this was a safe, comfortable job so I assumed nothing. He laid me off right there on the stoop of the model…… it was also my wife’s birthday. I drove home over an hour and acted like everything was normal. Ate dinner and didn’t say a word. My daughter was still drinking from a bottle. The next morning my wife yelled as the sun came up “YOU’RE LATE” to which I replied that I had been let go. Being young parents in the worst recession of a generation had us freaked out but a switch inside me that I didn’t know existed got turned on. By that same weekend, I had lined up small painting jobs, and a whole basement remodel. Those small jobs turned into a full Fall and Winter of projects and a budding Pitts Elite was forming. I never took unemployment or a day off and I truly think that if I had stayed with that Home Builder, I would still be “comfortable” and making a wage and not in the position I am in today. So as I look back where I am personally and professionally, I absolutely think that was a pivotal event. Some may dwell on such a life altering events, but it was a springboard for me and my family to act on.

Q: If you could choose anyone that is alive today and not a relative; with whom would you love to have lunch? Why? And where locally would y’all meet for this lunch?
Paul McCartney. His life has spanned decades and continents so his wisdom must be worth something there. Also, he is a Beatle and he played with Wings. He has the stories!

Q: Finally, what 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?
Love. Safety. Remodeling. Sorry I had too.

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